We created a fundraising platform for a new generation of donors. We give everyone a chance to dream big and win once-in-a-lifetime prizes while helping to make the world a better place. This sustainable approach to fundraising means that nonprofits can spend less time and money raising funds, and instead focus on serving the needs of their communities.
Fundamentally, we believe the traditional charitable fundraising model is broken. Nonprofits are held back from investing in marketing, tech and the top talent that could transform the scale of how they raise funds. Instead they rely on expensive galas and outdated methods to reach their goals.
Think there’s a better way? So do we.
Make dreams come true—for you, and for others.
By dreaming big, donating, and entering for the chance to win life-changing prizes, the Omaze community has raised over $170M to support over 600 charities around the world. Your generosity is driving substantial levels of awareness for these organizations, and raising significantly more money than traditional methods.

Omaze experiences raise up to 40x what we can earn at auctions or galas, and are way more time efficient.
We want charities to focus on their world-changing work, so we cover the marketing (all those Instagram ads you see), content (videos with your favorite celebs) and technology (this very website you’re on!) on their behalf—all to provide you with a fun and easy way to give back to the causes you love.

Omaze provides marketing, content, tech and fulfillment services we simply can’t afford or get anywhere else. It’s these investments and expertise that drive the huge return.
Where Your Money Goes
Omaze is a registered commercial fundraiser for various US-registered 501(c)(3) public charities (each a “Charity Client”). When you donate and enter for the chance to win an experience with a celebrity prize (set visit, dinner date, tickets to a premiere, etc.), 60% of your donation is guaranteed to go to the identified designated grantee(s), via a grant from one of our Charity Clients. For these experiences, typically 25%, on average, is used to pay for experience costs, such as advertising and content creation costs and payment processing fees.
When you donate and enter for the chance to win an experience with a non-celebrity prize (like a car, vacation, or cash), 15% of your donation is guaranteed to go to the identified designated grantee(s), via a grant from one of our Charity Clients. Typically between 65-75%, on average, is used to pay for experience costs, such as Prize costs, advertising and content creation, and payment processing fees.
Historically, across all experience types Omaze nets approximately 20%.
On experiences where there is matching, 100% of the match goes to the identified nonprofit beneficiary.
The above examples are illustrative of our most common experiences on Omaze.com. The actual percentage that goes to the designated grantee(s) may vary. For details on a specific experience, such as, which Charity Client the experience is fundraising for, which designated grantee(s) is being supported by the experience, and the actual percentage that goes to the designated grantee(s), please visit the Experience Rules and the “Fundraising Transparency” section at the bottom of each experience page.
We believe in impact over percentages.

A smaller percentage of a larger amount is more impactful than a bigger percentage of a smaller amount. And as Omaze experiences come at no-cost and no risk to the nonprofits, your donations make a big difference for organizations around the world.

We did an experience that raised $40K at auction. It netted us over $1M on Omaze. That makes an enormous difference for the girls we serve.
Where We Came From
Here’s a little backstory. Omaze started as an idea that our co-founders, Matt and Ryan, had after they didn’t win a dream experience at an auction: dinner with Magic Johnson and courtside seats at a Laker game. The auction started and Matt and Ryan were quickly outbid.
They wondered, “Why should life’s most amazing experiences only go to the rich? And how could that incredible prize only raise $15,000 for such a great cause?”
Imagine if these same types of opportunities were available online, and you didn’t need a ton of money to win them. More people could participate, which means we could raise a lot more money for nonprofits.