the ACLU
About the cause
The ACLU is an organization of people who believe in the power of action. Whether in the courts, statehouses, or Congress, they fight to defend the rights that the Constitution guarantees to all of us — regardless of who we are, where we come from, who we love, or what we believe. The ACLU evolved from an organization of lawyers and advocates into a larger coalition of people fighting for what’s right together — for all of us. The ACLU seeks to be the place where people can come, no matter their political affiliation, to take action.
This experience raises funds for Charities Aid Foundation America (“CAF America”), a US-registered, 501(c)(3) public charity. 100% of donations for this experience go to CAF America, which will then grant the donations, minus the experience fees and costs, to the ACLU (the “Designated Grantee”). For more information, see the “Fundraising Transparency” section below.