Black Girl Ventures
About the cause
Black Girl Ventures provides Black and Brown woman-identifying founders with access to community, capital and capacity building in order for them to meet business milestones that lead to economic advancement through entrepreneurship. Their Change Agent Program has chapters nationwide. Each chapter recruits 3-5 women hyperlocally to provide low-barrier access to capital, community and capacity through the BGV Pitch Program, entrepreneurial education and ecosystem building. With chapters currently in Birmingham, Durham, Houston, Miami and Philadelphia, your generosity can support the Change Agent Program’s expansion to Los Angeles and help to sustain the Houston chapter.
All donations are paid to Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America), an IRS recognized, U.S. public charity. So long as Black Girl Ventures continues to qualify as an eligible recipient of CAF America grants, CAF America will make a grant to Black Girl Ventures equal to the net proceeds of this experience.