Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
About the cause
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raises money for 170 children’s hospitals across North America that treat 10 million kids a year. Their mission is to protect the health of future generations. Your generous donations will help to build out and enhance a state-of-the-art Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Epilepsy is a condition that affects around 470,000 youngsters across the country. As CMN Hospitals says, “Change kids’ health, change the future.”
All donations are paid to Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America), an IRS recognized, U.S. public charity. So long as Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals continues to qualify as an eligible recipient of CAF America grants, CAF America will make a grant to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals equal to the net proceeds of this experience.