First Responders Children’s Foundation
About the cause
For nearly twenty years, First Responders Children’s Foundation has provided financial support to children who have lost a parent in the line of duty as well as families enduring significant hardships due to tragic circumstances. In light of COVID-19, First Responders Children’s Foundation is working to help the families of first responders—including nurses, medical personnel, firefighters, police officers, EMTs and paramedics—who are on the front lines, dealing with the pandemic. Your generous donation can help provide PPE, financial grants and temporary housing that stems the spread of infection among first responders, their families and the communities they serve.
All donations are paid to Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America), an IRS recognized, U.S. public charity. So long as First Responders Children’s Foundation continues to qualify as an eligible recipient of CAF America grants, CAF America will make a grant to First Responders Children’s Foundation equal to the net proceeds of this experience.