The Justin J. Watt Foundation
About the cause
The Justin J. Watt Foundation is on a mission to encourage middle-school aged children to dream big by providing them after-school opportunities in the community to become involved in athletics. These experiences are designed to help kids learn the character traits of accountability, teamwork, leadership, work ethic, and perseverance, while in a safe and supervised environment with their peers. Your generosity will help these kids expand their horizons and learn valuable life lessons that’ll serve them well beyond their years on the playing field.
This experience raises funds for Charities Aid Foundation America (“CAF America”), a US-registered, 501(c)(3) public charity. 100% of donations for this experience go to CAF America, which will then grant the donations, minus the experience fees and costs, to Justin J. Watt Foundation Inc. (the “Designated Grantee”). For more information, see the “Fundraising Transparency” section below.